Formed in 1904, the aims of the society are:
- The cultivation of local sentiment
- The preservation of the ancient customs and institutions of the town of Hawick
- The fostering of local art and literature
President: Mr Robert W Halliday
Vice President: Mr Graeme Hodgins
See below for a full List of Officials.
On this website is a comprehensive essay on the Common Riding: its traditions and origins. This was first written in 1983 by the Callants Club and Ron Taylor, and has been revised over the years as things have changed. It remains the definitive guide to Hawick Common Riding. The essay comprises 18 chapters; it covers all ceremonies and traditions; and is an invaluable and easily-read reference.
The overall winner of the story competition for 2024 was Jake Huggan, Wilton Primary School
But through it a' betide what may
I'll cherish aye the same
The far off Hawick o' Callant days
My long lost Scottish hame.
My hung'ring heart will constant yearn
For scenes that hain the past
The Borderland, the Borderland,
My first love and my last.
J. E. D. Murray
In this article you can read a brief history of Hawick and its colourful past.
Written by renowned local author Ian Landles, the article describes in a nutshell what is special about the town of Hawick.
The Club have been contacted by Dianne Laing of Archaeology Scotland for help in turning Stobs Camp into a Heritage Site by 11 November 2018 with links to Hawick Archaeological Society. If any members have recollections on Stobs Camp, again please contact the Hon. Secretary.
The club held its annual dinner on 8th March at Hawick R.F.C. ClubroomsChief Guest was Prof. Douglas Scott BSc PhDThe traditional toasts were:
Border Art and Literature, proposed by John Kernaghan
Oor Ain Auld Toon, proposed by Cllr. Stuart Marshall
Reply by Hon. Provost Watson McAteer
Our Common Riding and Our Cornets
Proposed by Ex-Cornet Greg Easton
Reply by Cornet Euan Robson
The club held its annual dinner on 3rd March at Hawick R.F.C Clubrooms
Chief Guest was Erwin Ureel MBE M.S.M.
The traditonal toasts were;
Border Art and Literature, proposed by Steve Bonsor BDS (Hons) FHEA FDS RCPS (Glasg) FDTFEd FCGDent
Oor Ain Auld Toon, proposed by Ex-Cornet Ross J. Nichol
Reply by Hon. Provost Watson McAteer
Our Common Riding and Our Cornets
Proposed by Ex-Actiing Father Gordon Jackson MBE
Reply by Cornet Greig Middlemas
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